It was recently my very close friends birthday, so I've decided to write down some of my favourite memories we've had together, be warned, there's alot.
We met in the April of 2016 and we try our best to communicte due to the difference in time (she lives in England and I'm in Australia). Since the day we met there have been ups and downs, but we always ended up together laughing our heads off and planning a new crazy thing to do. We've done some pretty amazing BFF cards too, some include; a massive scroll, a very expensive package sent all the way from Australia, 100's of reasons why we're best friends, and more.
I am so, so grateful for a girl like her to be in my life because I know people like her are once in a blue moon, no matter how many times we ended up in trouble because of eachother.
This one took place at the school Christmas/Winter fair of 2016. We had finished our job at the Fill a Jar Stall, had had plenty of goes on at the chocolate tombola stand and immediatly shoved out winnings down our throats, as well as visiting all the other stalls.
The day was coming to a slow close and we saw a gingerbread decorating stall, and next thing you know we're there with our beautiful gingerbread-woman Meredith, she looked kind of okay-ish until my phsyco friend found some red icing. There was an explosion all over her privates and that's all I'll say. We also decided to coat her in sprinkles and name it a tragic disease called 'Sprinkle-itis'.
We went outside and next thing you know SOMEONE, no pointing fingers, but, you know, SOMEONE, threw our dear baby Meredith onto the roof of the classroom. She stayed there for a very long time, she got rained on and every ither thing that could ever happen to a gringerbread-woman on a roof. We often gave her offerings to come down, for example, the weird chocolate cake that nobody liked from the dinner hall. Yum, not.
One very sad day, Meredith had disappeared from the roof. We suspect Paul the handyman took her down but we never got to interrogate him.
*Tear droplet falls to floor* R.I.P Meredith. 2016-2017
You know how you would pretend to get married to your freinds and you'd play Mummies and Daddies with your friends? Yeah, well, we didn't do that. Or we did, kind of....
You see, we had sticks and trees, and these sticks and trees were our husbands and children. My friend had a very handsome stick named Jake as a husband, who I am NOT jealous of, and I had a tree called Pete as a husband (I also had about five other boyfriends at the same time). We had many stick children who Mother Nature kindly gave us until she ran out of sticks. Some of those sticks include; Duckey, Elmo and Stickey.
Now, one day we were walking across the feild when I found a beautiful leaf that was just Autumn at it's purest. We named her Jennifer and she became my daughter. Coincidentely, this was the same very day that I was due to marry Pete (the tree). If you ask some people they will say that Jennifer had a mysterious heart attack, but the truth is that my friend viciously ripped her up. I think she was just jealous that Jennifer was my bridesmaid, and not her.
R.I.P Jennifer 2016-2016 'Viciously attacked and murdered by her Aunty person.'
Going along with that story, a few weeks before the end of year six, Jake mysteriously went missing. I say he went to dead man, who is basically just a jumper and hat that was in a tree that you could see out the gate of our school and could be easily mistaken for a dead man.
R.I.P Jake, more affectionatly known as 'Jakey'. 2016-2017
It was the last day of camp at RobinWood. BOO! But it was also the day where all the best activities happened for our group, including; the Giant Swing. YAY!
In case you don't know, the giant swing is, a giant swing. Basically two people sit on these little UFO's, are harnssed in and told to hold onto a bar, the rest of the group haul the two people up to the top of the mechanism by pulling a rope, and once you're up there someone has to 'chop the banana'. Chopping the banana means karate chopping a rope thingie and next thing you know you're swinging through the air and your feet are WAY off the ground.
I, obviously, went with my friend, and we got to the top and suddenly, after her promising to chop the banana first, I found myself leaning back chopping a banana and then my friend and I were flying, and screaming because wichiever pair screamed the loudest got a biscuit -which makes us sound like dogs, now that I hear it! I leant back a little to far and found my butt slipping off the UFO, but I saved myself. My friend just kept screaming (she really wanted that biscuit). In the end, everyone got a biscuit for effort.
R.I.P Emily's calm on the giant swing 'She tragically almost fell off due to leaning too far back whilst chopping a banana.'
Oh yeah, and can I just say, this was the same camp that I got left behind on - I went to the toilet and the rest of my group moved onto the next activity (rock climbing) I'm still very mad, and the camp was like, last year or something.
Back at our old school, there was thing called playleading. This was where the year five and six kids would watch over the infants over lunch. One of the people assigned to playleading was ill and couldn't do their job, and my friend was doing playleading that day. I wasn't a playleader, so I decided to sneakily sneak into a playleader bib, and fill in. This was all decided when we finished our maths and were whispering (we sat on the same table). We went into the dinner hall when the bell went and as usual we ate, and my friend drank her usual milk. I finished first and went to the cupboard to get out the bibs. My friend didn't show up after a while, so I went down to the lower years and began my job, alone. I had no clue what i was doing as I wasn't a playleader so this was my first time.
Let's just say, whenever a kid came up to me, I ran in the other direction due to fear of not being able to help.
Later on I saw my friend, and asked where she was, she said she got another 2 glasses of milk and went. SHE WAS THERE THE WHOLE TIME!
R.I.P the milk my friend drank 'It was gloriously delicious'.
My friend and I seem to have a thing with roofs. First Meredith, and now this.
This one day, my friend came over to my house, and, in case you didn't know, I have two older brothers, and my friend loved to mess with them. While they were both downstairs, my friend snuck into their room and stole all their Nerf gun bullets and ran outside.
So I came out of my room after tidying some of our mess up, and ran after her to the outside world. She was having a wonderful time throwing my brother's Nerf bullets onto the roof of the shed, thankfully the shed didn't have a very high roof so I knew I could easily get them down after so I laughed, ran up to her, and jokingly threatened her with the whole; " You're gonna have to get those down later!" thing.
What I didn't realise, was that she was acting ver suspiciously. And then the truth came out. She threw some bullets onto the top of my TWO STORY RENTAL home.
To whoever now owns that house now, if you go on the roof, you can snag some Nerf bullets for yourself if you want to, they make a great Christmas present.
At the time, I laughed and didn't care, but when she left the truth hit me. I got the other Nerf bullets off the shed, then I spent a while using multiple sticks (poor baby sticks) to get them down. Let's just say that whoever lives there now, can also snag themselves some stickes with thosse Nerf bullets.
Sorry Jack and Luke, that's where all your bullets went. Mum and Dad, this is news for you too, so please don't kill me.
R.I.P Emily after parents and brothers find out about this.
Thanks for reading, I know some of these were a little boring, but they were fun at the time. Like, subscribe, share and comment anything you want. Also, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! It's Christmas Eve here and I'm so excited!
QOTD: Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. - Unknown
Bye! - Emily
PS. Here are some pictures I found on the internet of the giant swing at work: